Lets I Told You
Monday, 30 December 2013 • 02:05 0 comments

Assalammualaikum . 
This mid-sem holiday I got an assignment through this blog . It quite interesting . Miss Ratna told us to complete tis task after the mid-sem holiday . Hmm , who is Miss Ratna ?
Let's me introduce a bit about her .
Her full name is Miss Ratna Zuarni binti Ramli , but we called her Miss Ratna as her nickname .
We learned CSC134 from her for this sem .
For my first perception about her , she look young . hihihi
By the way Miss Ratna is a strict woman . Woww , never I thought about her .
At our first meeting , she had remembered us that she would do a quiz after the lecture.
Ok , I got it ! But , during the once of our lecture , Miss Ratna got angry and frustrated to us .
We are sorry miss , we got a big mistake there .  Lastly , lets be close miss . :)

So. for her assignment I choose the topic OUTPUT INPUT . Because its quite interesting to me .
I hope it will finish completely , Thank you. Lets get its started !

D' Owner
HAI , i from planet Mato . My UFO break down . My age 199005 years old , i have 12 mothers . My birth day 13/13/2090 . I just want to say behave with me because i have 2pair screw driver as my hand ... bhaaaa

Time Machine

ブログパーツ ハピネム

Walkie Talkie

" Wanna more gossip ? Lets get it start ! "

Hunger Fish

Lets take a boo . Feeds my hungry fishes .


sun mon tue wed thu fri sat
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My Status
>> Blogskin baru. Tadaa!
date : NOW
at:10 am

>> Hi there!
date : 12/12/12
at: 12pm

>> Cinderella hilang kasut?
date: 1/1/2190
at: 13.12pm


  • Peter Pan

  • D' Credits
    Basecode : N.Afiqah
    Template : Inspirit's Baby
    Edited : Fatiha Liay
